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YouLend odnotowuje znakomite wyniki i od początku swojej działalności udzieliła finansowania dla MŚP już 150 tys. razy

YouLend został wybrany w kategorii „Best Lending Tech Solution” w konkursie #FintechAwards 💥

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Castlelake and YouLend Sign Multi-Year Financing Facility, Boosting US Funding Potential

YouLend Announces 3-Year Financing Facility with Castlelake to Fund US SMBs, Expanding US Financing Potential to $1 Billion

Dojo and YouLend hit £1 billion in funding

Dojo and YouLend Partnership Fuels UK SME Success with £1 Billion Funded

Dojo and YouLend hit £1 billion in funding

Dojo and YouLend Partnership Fuels UK SME Success with £1 Billion Funded